StorageCafe: Texas Overtakes Florida as Top State for Net Migration

Brad BeckettNotes

storagecafe logoStoragecafe says interstate moving is at an all-time high, with a record-breaking 7.5 million Americans making the move across state lines in 2023 (roughly the same over the past 10 years).  They say today’s moving trends tend to be driven by necessity rather than lifestyle.  However, they point out that people are moving less frequently than they used to.

Some key points:

  • About 7.5 million Americans moved to a different state in 2023, a number that’s stayed relatively stable over the past 10 years.
  • Seven out of the top 10 best states for net migration are in the South.
  • Texas overtakes Florida for the first time in 10 years, becoming the nation’s top state for net migration.
  • California, New York and Illinois continue to lose residents.
  • Smaller states, including North Dakota, Idaho, Delaware and Vermont, are attracting large numbers of newcomers relative to their populations.
  • Gen Z and millennials are tied for state-to-state migration across the U.S.
  • Those moving long distance are far more likely to work remotely than the general population.


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Click here to read the full report at StorageCafe.



The post StorageCafe: Texas Overtakes Florida as Top State for Net Migration appeared first on Real Estate Investing Today.

Written by: Brad Beckett

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