Last week we saw the most recent GDP numbers, but how do America’s richest and poorest states stack up to G7 countries when it comes to per capita GDP? Today’s graphic from the Visual Capitalist does just that by looking at the per capita GDP of these states and compares when with actual G7 countries. As always, stay safe and have a Happy Friday!!!
“These massive gaps in output could be surprising for those not paying attention. The U.S. economy has surged since the pandemic, with its GDP per capita increasing by $20,000 between 2020 and 2024—a growth none of the other G7 countries have matched, even when going all the way back to 2010.”
Hat tap to the Visual Capitalist.
The post U.S. States vs. G7 Countries by GDP per Capita appeared first on Real Estate Investing Today.
Written by: Brad Beckett